Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Underwater Robotics, Education and the DREAM

Why do we spend a solid weekend around the clock working for an underwater robotics competition (NURC) for free??? Why do I put hours and hours of preparation of press releases, promotions, press kits and signs (that by the way are really awesome) weeks before the challenge??? Why do I work pro bono with these techies ???
Well, because this event showcases the work and talent of the Carl Hayden Robotics Team, and some of it's members may be undocumented and may be benefited by the passage of the DREAM Act. Don't ask, don't tell.
The kids are amazing. The dedication of their teacher and mentors pay well. They work together seamlessly putting together the only challenge for underwater robotics in Arizona, the dry zone, and show their robots with pride.
The whole thing is a complex enterprise created by Fredy Lajvardi and a group of mentors and volunteers (under an organization called APASE) that work with devotion and many hours more to promote applied science and education.
There is a special effort to include minority students that may not otherwise have this opportunity if not were for APASE.
My whole family collaborates. I'm in charge of the pr and media relations, alpha male helps and mentors the junior team and M and R had their own team with middle school students for the Si Se Puede Foundation,
The National Underwater Robotics Challenge is a great event we look forward to provide educational opportunities for our dedicated dreamers and others that may not be included on this type of challenges if it were not for all of us. That way they can set up a competition for High Schools and others like the Jesuit High School at Carmichael, CA.
Education is the great equalizer, no doubt about it.
Please read press releases for NURC at the Critical Mass Communications site.

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