Saturday, December 18, 2010


Senator John McCain stood up today Saturday, December the 18th, 2010 on the US Senate floor to speak against a legislation that he had co-sponsored in the past, back on the days when he called himself a "maverick" and pretended to be a conciliatory moderate.
Today he lead the parade of anti DREAM Senators who denied a path to legalization to undocumented students who had grown in the USA and succeeded integrating themselves into our communities, many of them professionals with Bachelors and Master's degrees.
During the few weeks that preceded the failed DREAM vote, Mr. McCain's office organized a toy drive for the Holidays.
Awww, how sweet!
I wonder if McCain will check the immigration status of the children receiving the "largess"of the Republican supporters. Thanks to Senator McCain, some immigrant children will be getting a cheap toy made in China and will be denied of a path to legalization as Christmas gift in 2010

Monday, December 13, 2010

Extreme Rhetoric- Who Provides Their Talking Points

Have you ever wondered how seemingly educated people, like a Senator or a Congressperson, could parrot some heavy non-sense on the immigration debate?
Well, their talking points on the immigration debate come from organizations with respectable sounding names such as Center for Immigration Studies, Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) and Numbers USA. All of them not only lack academic rigor in their "researches" but have strong ties to white supremacist group and are been monitored by Southern Poverty Law Center.
Journalist and author Terry Greene-Sterling published a great article on the Phoenix New Times were it explores the influence of these organization in the formation, training of politicians and the dissemination of extreme ideas.
Read FAIR-Y tales here.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Hungry for Justice.

Lucy was in Washington DC on Tuesday, December the 7th, 2010. At the time of this picture she has been 28 days in a hunger strike requesting a meeting with Texas Senator Kay Bailey Hutchinson with no success. Lucy wants the Senator to vote YES on the DREAM Act, the narrow tailored legislation that will give a path to legalization to undocumented students brought as children and that fulfill tough requirements. Even tough the Senator supported the DREAM Act in the past, Hutchinson has toughened her stance swayed by the extremist rhetoric that has taken many members of her party hostage: DREAM Act is equivalent to "Amnesty" and rewards "criminals".
Never mind that the DREAM act possible beneficiaries are some of the best and professionally capable citizens this country can wish for.
When Lucy came to Washington, she was debilitated to the point of not being able to walk and was pushed around by fellow dreamers in a wheelchair. She was received in Capitol Hill not by Hutchinson but by her staffers, who ask her to start eating again.
Lucy is not hungry for food but for justice. Her education is worth nothing and she can be jailed in a horrific detention center just because she does not have a social security number.
Her sacrifices for achieving higher education and paying her way to college amounts to zero without the DREAM.
Lucy does not want food but the DREAM,