Saturday, December 18, 2010


Senator John McCain stood up today Saturday, December the 18th, 2010 on the US Senate floor to speak against a legislation that he had co-sponsored in the past, back on the days when he called himself a "maverick" and pretended to be a conciliatory moderate.
Today he lead the parade of anti DREAM Senators who denied a path to legalization to undocumented students who had grown in the USA and succeeded integrating themselves into our communities, many of them professionals with Bachelors and Master's degrees.
During the few weeks that preceded the failed DREAM vote, Mr. McCain's office organized a toy drive for the Holidays.
Awww, how sweet!
I wonder if McCain will check the immigration status of the children receiving the "largess"of the Republican supporters. Thanks to Senator McCain, some immigrant children will be getting a cheap toy made in China and will be denied of a path to legalization as Christmas gift in 2010


  1. Your articles are nothing but crap-filled Twinkie. Carmen, you are an extremist immigrant who obtained your citizenship, thankfully legally, and you promote actions that should be committed and you do not promote what people should be doing.

    In light of what Sen. John McCain's office is doing, you've seemed to forgotten what the true value of humanity is, it has been overcome with greed and selfishness. Regardless of how people are, why not spread joy and happiness for those who have become an American, THE LEGAL WAY! And then promote those who want the American dream so bad to do whatever it takes to get that dream, no matter the cost. It seems you and your people (the extremists) want something for nothing.

    Why don't you people stop being nothing more than wining crying babies and stop waiting for handouts.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
