Saturday, July 3, 2010

Anti- immigrant Hate Monger of the Week: Barry Wong

The Arid Zone is apparently in this mad contest of who is the politician who says the most inhumane, outrageous, anti-immigrant statements in order to gain points in a cheap and crass quest for votes.
Since each week we are shocked with a new low, and to record for internet history the dirty tactics of the opportunistic, I have created a section on this blog reserved for the Anti- Immigrant Hate Monger of the Month. This month that precedes the Four of July Holiday the "honor" is granted to Barry Wong, the Republican Candidate for the post of Corporation Commissioner.
Mr Barry Wong stated on the Arizona Republic : "Is power or natural gas or any type of utility we regulate, is that a right that people have? It is not a right. It is a service."

"Cutting electricity, water, natural gas, even telephone lines at the homes of illegal immigrants", he said, "would lower costs for the rest of the state's customers".He believes the population spike caused by illegal immgrants forces the state to build new power plants and then raise rates for customers.

So Mr. Wong vowed to cut electric power to undocumented immigrants in the Arid Zone where temperatures soar close to the 115 F in July if he is elected.

His statements created an uproar at the Arizona Chamber of Commerce were Glenn Hammer, President and CEO, blasted Mr. Wong for "his not only inhumane and opportunistic comments, but his lack of sense of business". "To deny someone access to electricity based on his or her immigration status is not only a wrongheaded policy proposal, it’s just cruel" he stated."Your claim that your proposal is somehow consumer-friendly is absurd. The costs of implementing your plan would be borne by ratepayers, never mind the hit taxpayers would take as police and fire departments would increasingly be responding to heat-related emergencies", continued Mr. Hammer.

Mr. Wong stance is another example of political zealots wanting to impose disastrous laws, and in this case completely inhumane,to create unfunded mandates that does not consider the role of the immigrant as a consumer, payer, tax payer and supporter of services.

Mr. Wong does not even make business sense.


  1. Wow, what an idiot. Par for the course here in Arizona, unfortunately. :-( Deidre

  2. Hi Carmen. My name is Kim and we are going to be roommates at NN10. I live in Bullhead City and just wanted to say that anyone who believes that these bills are not leading up to ethnic cleansing in one way or another has their head buried deep in the 'sand'. I marched in Phoenix and this was my post from that day
    looking forward to meeting you.

  3. He said this today (July 21) on a local KJZZ show. How inhumane can one be? What do utilities have to do with immigration? Hopefully people heard him and will vote for someone else on the Corporation Commission
