Wednesday, September 15, 2010

DREAM Act: Myths and Realities

Not even seasoned journalists get it right all the time. The DREAM Act is a small legislation of less than 10 pages but most of the time I read an article about it I cringe. It often contain some time of misconception or mistake in it's description, information that can be used by the critics to distort the message of hope for undocumented immigrants. Here are some of the Myths and Realities of the DREAM.

Myth: The DREAM Act will give citizenship to "illegal aliens".
Reality: It creates a conditional path to legal residency. There is not automatic citizenship for anyone. The road to citizenship is long, it can take more than 6 years and some may decide to stay as legal residents permanently.

Myth: The beneficiaries are only the College super-stars.
Reality: Any good kid that fulfill the requirements of:
1.-Good moral Character
2.-Finishing High School
3.-Have arrived to the USA before the age of 16 years
4.-Have being living on the USA 5 continuous years since the implementation of the legislation, may be a beneficiary IF he or she commits to two years of post-secondary education or two years in the military.

Myth: The DREAM Act is way to turn Hispanic in war mercenaries.
Reality: Young persons will have to clear options: commit for two years of service on the armed forces OR two years of post secondary education. There is not forced militarization.
Moreover, there are youth longing to belong to the USA military service and we respect and support their personal choices.

Myth: The DREAM Act should not be attached at the military authorization bill.
Reality:The DREAM Act has a strong military component. It is one of the options given to the students to advance on their participation on the community along with post-secondary education. It is a complete disservice to the generations of minorities and immigrant that had honorably served in the USA armed forces, many times without the benefit of legal residency or citizenship, that the military component on the DREAM Act does not matter and it is downplayed by the Republican leadership.
There are many undocumented students whose DREAM is precisely to belong to the military as Joe Arzivu. Read his story here.

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